“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, through diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas Edison
Live/Ultra Darkfield microscopy is a valid scientific tool in which special lighting is used to examine specimens of cells and tissues through a microscope. The objects being viewed stand out better against a dark background.
Layered/Dried Blood Analysis involves one drop of blood touched to a slide a number of times. The slides are then allowed to dry and we then observe the patterns and imbalances that form under the microscope.
Students will be taught what they need to know about running their own successful Blood Analysis franchise. Everything from how to register your company to how to lay out your office will be covered in this module.
Are you a small business owner and find yourself sitting in front of QuickBooks wondering where to begin? Then it's time to call Blood-Link and Deborah will show you where to begin!
Modules 1 through 4 are covered over a 2 week period (10 working days) and held at Deborah Parker's office in Burlington. Contact Blood-Link now to find out about available dates for the training!
It's a given that skills fade with time and taking a Refresher Course to update those skills is always a good idea. Blood-Link will keep you up on the latest technology and trends and at a reasonable price too!
Deborah Parker of Blood-Link Inc., is interviewed on the popular TV Show Bottom Line on January 17th, 2007, and talks about her business of Blood Analysis. She discusses how she tells her clients what they are seeing through the microscope, how to change and improve their over all blood health. Ms. Parker also explains the process of how a regular appointment would proceed, what is discussed and explained and how long each appointment usually lasts. She also explains why she got involved in the 'Teaching' aspect of her business.
On June 12, 2015, Deborah Parker of Blood-Link Inc., is interviewed on the TV Series called Social Life In Peel where she tells us that Blood Analysis is Natural Medicine and it's not something you can have your family doctor do. Later in the interview she talks in depth on the benefits of 'Eating For Your Blood Type' and the different issues that can be detected through looking at blood through a microscope.
Deborah Parker of Blood-Link Inc., is interviewed on the new TV Show "The Local View" on September 8th, 2015, and talks about the "Undiet". She reviews how her clients lose weight by working on better food choices, lifestyle choices, a review of blood health to know what is going on in the body. Her clients feel energized, lose weight slowly and in a healthier manner all while their immune systems grow stronger.